Friday, January 29, 2010


My Hebrew instructor always starts class with an opening prayer. Funny how all the instructors here at seminary manage to pray such impacting prayers. This one from today touched me especially, so I asked if he would share it with us. I want to share it with you:

Another week's end before us and,

with it, another month's end and

nonetheless you continue, paying no attention.

Your continuing interrupts

our constant glances at clock and calendar.

The choppiness and hustle bustle

of our scheduled and compartmentalized lives

is interrupted not by another part

begging for our attention

but by a foreignness through which we think

we sense a whole.

By the grace of your abiding presence

may our parts be counted also as your whole.

In the name of that part which we confess whole,

Jesus of Nazareth, alpha and omega, Amen.

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