Friday, November 28, 2008

post script

i want to clarify a frustration i expressed yesterday. right now i am SO excited about my relationship with my sister. i finally feel love and affection for her, and even better, i feel it back from her. a lot of you have prayed for me in this relationship, so i wanted to let you know that God has been so faithful there between us.

no, the frustrations i expressed, the desire to "give up" on certain relationships, those feelings derive mainly from the males in my immediate family. a near-future post will elaborate on this depravity of solid male relationship in my life....


Amanda said...

i am a fellow black sheep. it was an interesting thanksgiving... i mean, really, who in their right mind would want to move to seattle?! :)

SarahJean said...

i kinda feel that way about the men in my family too. i miss you.