Thursday, January 15, 2009

flavor of the week

i take kids to the potty by day, i change diapers by night (err, by afternoon)--suffice it to say that my resume has been successfully beefed up this year, no? i started my new afternoon babysitting job this week, and have survived so far, despite less-than-encouraging stories from my coworker who knew the little girl i'm watching from another preschool. she's going to be a challenge, to say the least. there's also the eight-month-old brother, who i adore already, despite being sneezed upon, having pee leaked upon and peas wiped upon, and very nearly being spit-up upon by said boy. it's hard to resist his rosy little cheeks and that sweet nestling of baby fat propped up on my hips.

(hmm, i'm feeling wholly uninspired with nothing much to say. i haven't updated in awhile, though, so instead of something intelligent, witty, or deeply theological, here's a little bit about the rest of my week:)

one of our three-year-olds announced (without prompting) this week that "the president is Barack Obama." we were wholly amused and equally impressed. her pronunciation was perfect.

i was given the opportunity to lead my Bible study this week while our pastor was away in Haiti. our readings were from Daniel, and I managed to wrangle up some controversy! i planned to do so in several ways, and while persecution and disputed authorship/date failed to grab much of a bite, we caught the bait on resurrection (see Dan. 12:2). thank goodness for my class on death & afterlife. it was enjoyable to discuss because once you lay out all the Biblical references, there isn't really a definitive answer to whether or not being eaten by sharks will affect your chances at the resurrection of the dead or whether there are levels of reward and punishment within heaven itself.

amanda & mallory--my kids have given me more compliments on the earrings you both brought me from africa! today i had one who couldn't finish his lunch because he had leaned into my lap in order to tap my earring back & forth, saying excitedly "boop, boop." there's no sincerer form of flattery, i would imagine.

i haven't touched my grad school applications since last saturday, but i'm planning on finishing them up & submitting the final two on monday. besides hounding people for the last few references, i'll be over the first hurdle. updates to come, of course.

i'm about to watch the tarheels have another go at winning some basketball. this weekend was positively abysmal for the sports fan (unless you are an arizona cardinal or demon deacon, that is). let's turn something around, shall we? before all we're left with is baseball...


Unknown said...

but the Heels are GOOD at baseball! =)

Love you, Whitney!

Whitney said...

i thought you would enjoy that baseball comment Betsey :)