Monday, January 19, 2009


i have slept from 11pm to 11am the last two nights. nyquil is my happy friend. now i'm just praying for snow and school cancellation tomorrow so i can sleep that long for one more night. the odds, of course, are in my favor. if there's one thing southerners can't do, it's handle a snow flurry.

being sick is just NOT fun. it's debilitating. all day friday, sunday, and today i have either been in my bed, on the couch, or somewhere shuffling between the two. i have done nothing but put a significant dent in the current 1000-page book i am reading, and have watched an inordinately large amount of college basketball and NFL playoff games. no working out, no church, no errands completed. i did make it out of the house for a girls' night and a vietnamese dinner, though it nearly killed me.

it is nice to rest though. i know it's obvious to most of us that we don't do enough resting in our culture. i was lucky that this particular weekend had an extra day-off attached to it so i wouldn't have to take off work. but even if it wasn't going to snow tomorrow, my mom said, "whitney, you should call in sick if you don't feel better and stay home." i NEVER have done that. i always try & tough it out. i go to class. i sing at choir. i force my bleary eyes to stay open & i stifle my coughs. sometimes i even force myself to workout, and that never turns out for the best. it's hard for me to stop moving, and i've had to do a lot of that this year, sick or not.

even though i know that the ball will start rolling again, that i'll get over this cold, that i'll soon be back in school with a full plate again, for now, i'm just going to sit here with my electric blanket, my box of tissues, my book, and my nyquil, and rest.

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