Tuesday, June 17, 2008

the southern side of heaven

i said my goodbyes to unc tonight. after small group on campus, i decided that it was the perfect night for a stroll--refreshing (not stifling) temperature, calm twilight. i ended up at the old well, and at the risk of looking like an out-of-towner, i just stopped there for a few moments. then i saw them--the fireflies. finally! i haven't seen one all summer, and all of sudden there were hundreds, lighting up the quad like so many twinkling stars. and that quad has always been my "gosh, i love carolina" quad. then the bell tower started chiming 9 o'clock. i turned around, my back towards franklin street, and wouldn't you know it? there was a huge full mooning shining between the buildings. this is a carolina moment. and though it was perfectly crafted, like something out of a movie, this is the moment when i realized that no longer will chapel hill be my home, but it will now be a place where i come to i visit. i'm not sure if i'm fully okay with that yet, but at least now i've gotten to say goodbye.

(two posts in one day--can't say i didn't warn you! and all you dookies and other dissenters can stop gagging now ;] )

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