Monday, July 21, 2008

opportunities knock

excitement abounds in the XSM ministry! though i'm sure the kids are dreading it, i'm looking forward to the start of school when a lot of new programs and ministries will get off the ground.

this weekend we did a short n' sweet skit in the high school service. very basic, little rehearsal required--but the girls were SOO excited. one told me she hadn't slept the night before she was so pumped, and another said just what we wanted to hear: "you know, i can't sing very well but i love acting so i'm so glad i get to participate in the service." we're hoping to get this creative team rolling so more kids can participate in things like dramas, and hopefully dance, art, photography, etc & realize how that is beautiful worship unto the Lord! there's interest in doing the Lifehouse "Everything" skit (check it out here), which the youth at my church in Charlotte did right before I left. It was extremely powerful, and I'm excited to hear that the kids here want to perform it--both in their youth service & hopefully in the main service.

lots of other things in ministry to get excited about--we have an XSM staff retreat this week where we're going to plan TONS of stuff. i know that will get me super motivated & eager to dive in, even though it will be a lot of legwork. plus next week we're heading off to Panama City! i get to throw in a few community games suggestions for this retreat. IV folks, you'll be happy to know that i've suggested Bible roulette, funky chicken, and train wreck (plus I played altered beast with the middle schoolers this past week). and for any glee club ladies out there--i thought get-to-know you bingo would be good too (minus the question about who owns more than 10 pairs of pink underwear! haha)

ps--i hope to take some pictures soon of my office & house for y'all to see. i know you're waiting with bated breath :)


Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you have an office... holy crap!

Please teach them Nertz for me! HS and Mid School! Need to indoctrinate them while they're young so they can enjoy a lifetime of intense gaming! ;o)

Whitney said...

ahh Nertz! i love that freakin game!