Friday, August 1, 2008


thoughts mostly escape me. i'll try to catch a few for you...

trying to maintain a balance of job-hunting & being patient for the Lord to reveal Himself.

excited to see half the people I know from Carolina tomorrow in Blowing Rock for the wedding of Joel & Meredith. hoping that the jolt of community will be rejuvenating and not ultimately depressing as i capture only a few shared hours with loved ones.

enjoying the fact that more & more people are blogging. reading stories from across the country & the globe, on the edge of my seat ready to see the directions in which people's lives will lead.

remembering how dreadfully hot NC can be at the start of August.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hi Whitney! I love that more folks are blogging, too. It's a nice way to catch up with everyone. I hope you had fun at the Shaw/Wiggins wedding this weekend. Hope you are doing well!